Social SciencEs



Dear SEEN members,

April’s newsletter has PhD, WES Early Career Ambassador, and WoW grant opportunities, latest publication and report highlights, a SEEN postgrad meet up call, and the stunning new piece created by Justyna Green based on the Reframing Endometriosis conference.


  • Funded PhD: British South Asian Endometriosis Experiences and Psycho-social Wellbeing (April 30th deadline)
  • Become a WES Early Career Ambassadors (April 20th deadline)
  • Wellbeing of Women Grant on adolescent period pain (May 7th EOI deadline)

Latest Research/Dissemination 

  • Reframing Endometriosis Illustration by Justyna Green
  • Publication Highlights

Get Involved

  • Relaunching the SEEN Postgrad/Doc Meet Up group 


Reframing Endometriosis Illustration by Justnya Green

Follow the link to explore the rich, detailed illustration Reframing Endometriosis by Justyna Green.  Green, an award winning illustrator, created the piece based on last summer’s British Academy Reframing Endometriosis: Power, Politics and Potential Futures conference.  The piece captures some of the conference’s key discussions through vivid, powerful images.

Publication Highlights      

Exciting new publications including research based in Chile, another on Māori and Pasifika Mate Kirikōpū  perspectives, and one on visual reconstructions of endo pain.  Plus, an article on the EU’s underinvestment in endo research and Endometriosis UK’s report on increasing diagnosis wait times.

SEEN Postgrad/doc Meet Up Relaunch        

Previously, we ran a successful meet up group for postgraduates and early postdocs. Meeting up bi-monthly to share works in progress, share resources and peer support. Let’s relaunch the group! If interested, please email: with ‘Postgrad/doc’ in the subject heading.