Social SciencEs



Social SciencEs Endometriosis Network (SEEN) Nov 23 Newsletter: New Website w/ Members Directory; Save the Date for FEMaLE at European Parliament Nov 29th and more

Dear SEEN-Social SciencEs Endometriosis Network members,

A long overdue newsletter with exciting updates about our new Members’ Directory website and more. We’ll soon announce some upcoming opportunities to become a SEEN committee member, international membership zoom meetings, and a call for chapters for an edited volume, Reframing Endometriosis. In the meantime:

Membership Matters 

  • SEEN launches website with Members’ Directory

Latest Research

  • Publication Highlights

Opportunities & Events

  • Save the Date: Nov 29th ‘For the Life of Women- In the Shadow of Endometriosis’ – FEMaLe at European Parliament
  • The Vagina Museum launches special Endometriosis exhibition, ‘Into the Unknown’ with events and talks
  • Book review opportunities for Sociology of Health and Illness

Membership Matters 

We are thrilled to announce that SEEN has a website!  We listened to the membership and ensured the website has a free Members’ Directory so that you can connect with fellow endometriosis researchers across the world.  

To join and have your listing reviewed for approval/inclusion click here: JOIN NOW

Publication Highlights

Chronic Struggle: An Institutional Ethnography of Chronic Pain and Marginalization by F Webster et al.

Not “just a bad period”— The impact of a co-created endometriosis social media health campaign: a mixed methods study by D Bonde Stanek et al.

Experiences of dysmenorrhea and its treatment among allistic and autistic menstruators: a thematic analysis by Gray & Durand

Women’s Experiences of Health-Related Communicative Disenfranchisement  by Thompson, Babu & Makos

Endometriosis and Environmental Violence: An Embodied, Situated Ecopolitics from the Land of Fires in Campania Italy   I Iengo

Did we miss any?

Include recent publications in next newsletter, email:

Opportunities & Events

Save the Date: Nov 29th ‘For the Life of Women- In the Shadow of Endometriosis’ – FEMaLe at European Parliament

On 29 November from 13h00 to 14h30 in the Spinelli Building in the European Parliament, FEMaLe Project – together with MEP Pernille Weiss – will host a high-level workshop focusing on Women’s Health and Endometriosis.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the importance of endometriosis and its impact on women’s sexual and reproductive health, quality of life and overall wellbeing. Endometriosis is a chronic, inflammatory disease marked by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus which in many patients is associated with debilitating painful symptoms. Endometriosis affects approximately 190 million women and people assigned female at birth worldwide.

Those with endometriosis typically suffer multi-site (chronic) pain, and are at greater risk of infertility, fatigue, as well as other potential long term ailments. There is a long diagnostic delay, and persistence and recurrence of symptoms post-treatment is common. However, endometriosis remains an underresearched condition due to severe lack of funding – in line with women’s health research and innovation in general. This event will highlight what needs to be done at both EU and national levels.

(More information attached)

UK’s Vagina Museum launches special Endometriosis exhibition, ‘Into the Unknown’ with talks and events

Learn more about this exciting exhibition, with events and talks here: Endometriosis: Into the Unknown – Homepage | Vagina Museum

Book review opportunities for Sociology of Health and Illness

The Sociology of Health and Illness journal is seeking reviews of 19 new books dealing with various topics relevant to medical sociology.  Book reviews should be approximately 800 words and are expected to be submitted within 8-10 weeks of reviewers receiving the book.

Some books that may be of particular interest:

Missed and Dismissed Voices: Living with Hidden Chronic Illness Problems by A Segall

Medical Humanities and Disabilities: In/Disciplines by S Murray

Sex/Gender and Self-determination- Policy Developments in Law, Health and Pedagogical Contexts by Z Davies

To browse the full list and express interest in any of the book available, please use this Google form: SHI book reviews Autumn 2023 (