Social SciencEs



Social Sciences Endometriosis Network

Who are we and what do we do?

The Social SciencEs Endometriosis Network (SEEN) is an international network committed to improving the lives of those with endometriosis through sharing and promoting social, psychology, and humanities research on the condition.

Social science research and expertise on endometriosis is growing as is the need to establish and address research priorities and challenges in this field.   In response, SEEN, formerly the International Endometriosis Social Research Network, was launched in 2020.

SEEN seeks to represent and further the growing expertise of endometriosis social science researchers, reach and link more such researchers globally, and generate opportunities to improve interdisciplinarity within the field.

SEEN aims to: 

Address research priorities and challenges identified by our membership, including:
  • overcoming disciplinary and geographic silos in endometriosis research
  • identifying gaps and priorities for future studies
  • ensuring social science research findings are applied in care and inform other/general scientific knowledge of the condition
  • addressing challenges of navigating (bio)medical and social science divides.
Grow and further endometriosis social research by:
  • promoting multi-disciplinary, innovative and/or international endometriosis research collaborations
  • providing space for inter-disciplinary, global academic discussion and debate
  • adopting intersectional approaches to improve knowledge of marginalised endometriosis experiences
  • fostering an inclusive and supportive academic community
  • challenging traditional boundaries between researcher/researched, patient/doctor, disciplines, and more.
Foster academic-public engagement and impactful research through
  • recognition of the contribution endometriosis social research offers academia, policy, practice, advocacy, and clinical/medical research
  • allyship with those with endometriosis
  • recognising the structural inequalities shaping the lives of those with endometriosis and the marginalisation of the condition within academia, medicine, and society generally
  • engaging a range of audiences/stakeholders including those with endometriosis, health care practitioners, biomedical/clinical researchers, 3rd sector organisations, government representatives, policymakers, and more.